How to Reach Your Health Goals at Work
As most of you are aware, we are known for our ready-to-eat, healthy meal delivery service that provides nourishment to the Philadelphia region. But did you know that the same hard work and dedication to helping clients live in alignment with their health goals extends to catering as well? With nutrition awareness increasing, we are now seeing an increase in healthy catering requests from our corporate clients.
It’s music to our ears that companies and individuals are becoming more aware of how quality food can have a positive impact on wellbeing and work performance. There are many documented reasons why more healthy food options make sense for your next office catering event, but here are a few that the Heart Foundation outlined as benefits for corporate workforces.
The Benefits of Healthy Corporate Catering
- “increased productivity
- lower rates of absenteeism and quicker return to work after illness
- improved morale and working atmosphere
- reduced stress and anxiety
- a positive corporate image”
These are just a few of the reasons, but to see more, check out the eight benefits of healthy corporate catering. In addition to the published studies, because Grateful Plate uses seasonal, local produce, the health benefits are enhanced.
If you are looking to switch up your normal catering options and try a spread with delicious, healthy choices, check out our catering menus here. If you are still not sure and would like to speak with one of our holistically trained chefs or our dietitian, please contact us at