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Grateful Plate

  • Blog Cherry, Eggs & Frittata
The Grateful Plate Blog
August 19th, 2018Posted by Jenny Markowitz

Why Meal Delivery May Be the Smartest Investment in Your Health and Happiness

  • salad with salmon
Photo by Ive Erhard on Unsplash


Good nutrition is the foundation of good health. The problem is, so is exercise, adequate sleep, and a manageable stress level. On top of trying to achieve those daily, we know you’re juggling about a million other things. The reality is that we can’t always do it all, and sometimes, one of the best choices that we can make is to offload. While we have yet to figure out how to burn calories while someone else exercises, serving up a healthy meal is a task easily outsourced.


3 reasons why a healthy meal service may be the best investment in your health.


  • Less stress - Stress does not make our bodies happy. In fact, it’s a risk factor for most chronic diseases. Reducing your stress levels can not only make you feel better right now but may also protect your health long-term. Chronic stress is associated with headaches, high blood pressure, a weakened immune system. It also impacts the GI system, affecting nutrient absorption and system, and causing uncomfortable symptoms like nausea, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux. Studies show that a reduction in stress levels may protect long-term health and it certainly makes you more physically and psychologically comfortable in the short term. The combination of having just one less thing to worry about and feeling like you suddenly have more time in your day will make a huge difference in your emotional health.
  • More time - Hours. That’s how long it takes me to feed myself every week. When someone else is doing the cooking for you, that time saved becomes yours. Not convinced? Studies show that people who invest in a time-saving service are happier, less stressed, and more satisfied with their lives. Re-invest the hours and mental strength you save planning, shopping, and cooking in another area of your health. Now’s your chance to finally try that meditation app or new exercise class. Double win.
  • Less confusion and an opportunity to learn - Trying to sift through the noise of the latest diet trends, figuring how much, and exactly what to eat can be a full time - and confusing - job. Leave it to the experts to figure that for you. And then learn from it. Take note of the portions and proportions in your meal and use that to inspire the next one you make (that is if you’re not addicted to someone else doing the hard work for you).


Ready to feel happier, less stressed, and healthier? Click here to start your journey with a look at this week’s menu.


About Jenny

Jenny a Philadelphia-based Registered Dietitian who helps women, children, and their families understand how to eat to feel better. She believes that good health starts in the kitchen and that fostering a nourishing relationship with food leads to a happier, healthier, and more balanced life. Learn more about Jenny at